2024 Junior High Fall Retreat (Grades 6/7/8)

8:00 PM Friday, Oct 10 – 10:00 AM Monday, Oct 13
(Or Sunday PM Early Departure if needed)

2025 JH Fall Retreat

Come for a weekend of fun and adventure with your youth group! This retreat is a great way to kick off your year of youth ministry – plenty of fun options like the high ropes course, an Island excursion, apple pressing, games, bonfire, and enthusiastic worship, but plenty of space for youth leaders to have quality time and conversation within their groups. Check-in begins at 8:00PM Friday (or whenever your group is able to arrive, though most groups arrive late Friday evening), with our first meal at 8:00AM Saturday and programming starting directly after that. The retreat runs until Monday – and we encourage groups to stay the entire time if able (for some, Indigenous Peoples’ Day / Columbus Day is a school holiday), but if you need to depart on Sunday we have a special rate for that. We are flexible on timing, just let us know when your group must get on the road. Thanks!

2025 Jr. High Retreat PRICING: 

    • Full Retreat: $225 Camper / $180 Youth Leader
    • Sunday Departure Option: $195 Camper / $160 Youth Leader

* CPBC requires that each group bring a minimum of one adult male leader per 8 male students and at least one adult female leader per 8 female students. One adult (18+) leader of each gender is the minimum requirement for groups smaller than 8 of each gender.

2025 Retreat Speaker and Theme will be posted by September 2025

Packing List:

    • Bedding, towel, and toiletries
    • Clothing for all weather
    • Shoes for hiking, running around, and using the high ropes course
    • Swimsuit and water shoes for sauna (if interested)
    • Bible, notebook and pen
    • Flashlight

Do not bring:

    • Electronic Devices (and cell phones should stay put away in cabins)
    • Knives / weapons of any kind
    • Alcohol / tobacco / drugs
    • Personal Sports Equipment
    • Valuable personal items that could become damaged or lost


  • Students/Parents: Please see your youth leader to register for this retreat. All registration is done ONLINE (there are no paper forms).
    • Talk to your youth leader for the online registration link (to be filled out online NO LATER THAN Friday, Sept 19, 2025).
    • Payment will be made online, or to your church (depending on how your youth leader opts to do it) – payment info will be included in the online process when you select your specific church group.
  • Youth Leaders, Please complete the following:
    • First, fill out the Online 2025 Fall JH Retreat Group Reservation Form (coming soon) – to be completed by Youth Leader ASAP (no later than Friday, Sept 5, 2025), then pay required deposit – may be made by check or online through PayPal button provided below.

Group Deposit: $300

    • Then, wait for a confirmation email from registrar@cpbc.com, which will include the next step:
    • 2025 JH Fall Retreat Group Info Questionnaire (Fill out ASAP after your confirmation email)
    • Communicate to parents and adult leaders how to register their student or adult leader through the Covenant Point online registration as follows:
      • Go to Covenant Point’s online registration at cpbc.campbrainregistration.com.
      • Be sure they know to choose the JH Fall Retreat 2025 season and the name of your church group so they can correctly select the weekend and your church’s registration.
      • Communicate what they are required to pay as part of the online registration with Visa, MasterCard, or eCheck (or how/when they pay your church directly if you prefer to collect the $’s at your church).
      • Communicate that everyone needs to continue all the way to the screen that’s “Step 5: Review…” where they’ll hit the blue “Submit application” button to finish (this is true whether you are requiring them to pay as part of the online registration or not).
      • Tell them a date (no later than Friday, Sept 20, 2024) by which the online registration must be completed.
      • Inform them that if they need to cancel, they should contact you.
      • Promote the weekend at your church! Please note:  Only the number of students (and adult leaders that you listed in your reservation form will be able to register online.  If you need to increase or decrease your numbers, contact our Registrar, Jane Frasier (registrar@cpbc.com).
      • Get updates. Our registrar, Jane, will send you emails approximately every other week with updates on who has registered from your church.  If you need information at another time, please give Jane one business day to get it to you.
      • Update us: 2 weeks before your retreat (which is Friday, Sept 26, 2025) is your last chance to change your total number.  Please email Jane to confirm the total number of students and adult leaders at that time. Then we will email you an invoice showing the balance due by your church (or money that we need to send you).


Housing:  Churches will be housed based on availability. Cabin bunk rooms will not be shared between churches. Although there are several housing units that have shared bathrooms between bunk rooms, Covenant Point will make every effort to keep bathrooms private by church group as well.

Adult Leaders: CPBC requires that each group bring a minimum of one adult male leader per 8 male students and at least one adult female leader per 8 female students. One adult (18+) leader of each gender is the minimum requirement for groups smaller than 8 of each gender. Adult leaders are responsible for general supervision & safety, program facilitation, spiritual guidance, and more. Please know that an adult leader must hold and administer all medications for their group, and keep locked (typically done by either keeping them in your vehicle or putting a small luggage lock on a toiletry bag or duffle). Please plan accordingly.