Goodman Armstrong Creek, May 9th Adventure
GAC 5th and 6th graders experienced an active day in the Back 40. From big group initiatives, to GPS and compass, to nature print making and finally the high ropes excitement, it was a learning and challenging time for the students and their teacher, Mr. Lutze, as well as Mrs. M who returned for the fun. Thanks to all for a fine day outside the classroom.
Rockin Robins 2012
Rockin Robins 2012 has begun! Our Rockin’ Robins program runs for three weeks every spring as part of our Agents of the Earth Outdoor Education program. The program pairs “little buddies” with “big buddies” from the community and teaches them about nature in fun and exciting ways. Check back to see weekly picture updates, and other photos from Outdoor Education Visitors
Week 1 Log – It was a lovely spring day in the woods with nineteen little buddies and 22 big buddies and staff ready for action. Highlights of the time were The Hunt–looking for signs of spring, Dustin and his salmander eggs, Wendy’s purple finch, identification of bird calls and actual bird calls by the children, Sunflower seed planting to take home, a game of seasons, and a guest reader with the story The Little Mouse, the Red Ripe Strawberry, and the Big Hungry Bear. A great time was had by all. Thanks for sending your children and thanks to the big buddies.
Week 2 Log – It was another great day and full to the brim. Twenty little buddies were present. Bird calls were reviewed. How to use a pair of binoculars and then going out to look for birds was next. A few birds were seen and lots of wildflowers were noticed. The group went to the main camp and planted annual flowers in 19 big pots. While there, white pine cones were collected and then bird feeders were make to bring home, slathering the cone with shortening and sunflowers seeds, attaching a string to hang in a tree.
Week 3 Log: One Rockin Robin child was heard to say, “Hey, I wish we could do this every day.” What a great thought!!!–though maybe the big buddies would get a little tired. The bird calls were a big hit once again as children tried to identify the bird by just hearing the call and not seeing the actual bird. Some of them knew exactly what bird it was!!! Now that is learning. The big and little buddies went on an exploration to find non-living and living items as well as signs of animals and signs of humans. Little buddies planted flowers in a cup to give to big buddies in appreciated for their time. Finally the major project was a bug box which was constructed by both buddies and greatly enjoyed by the children when they went home. Guest reader, Bill Fish, ended our time with a grand story about The Grouchy Ladybug by Eric Carle.
Parents: Thank for sharing your children with us. We enjoyed them so much. It was a special group. If your child is in kindergarten, she or he can come back next year. The first graders have graduated but just maybe a program especially for them will be coming our way. Stay posted.
Big Buddies: YOU are wonderful. This program is what it is because of you. I still am touched deeply when I see you doing so many activities and projects with these young ones with such grace and enthusiasm. Many many thanks from the staff at CPBC. See you next year.
Here’s to each of you:
Jinny Larson, Betty Lindahl, Don and Mona Sarder, Andrea Oestman, Marilyn Malmquist, Nancy Schauwecker, Tom Emerson, Ed and Jan Chantiny, Kathy Campain, Bob and Lorena Evans, Karen Friestrom, Phil and Pearl Carlson, Linnea Johnson, Deb Olson, Wendy Benkley, Linda Mgolas , Hannah Kneen, Megan Moberly, Johanna Sparrman, Trevor Mayo, Dave Lindahl, Erik Strom, and Bill Fish (as well as numerous staff who helped behind the scenes and with transport of little buddies each week.)