Financial Aid

Each year Covenant Point provides financial aid to many of its campers. It is our goal that finances never prevent a camper from participating in one of the most significant, spiritually formative adventures of life – attending camp.

If financial aid is required, print and complete the Financial Aid Application, and return to Covenant Point along with your registration form. To provide or assistance to as many campers as possible, financial aid will be granted for no more than one week of summer camp per camper.

(906) 265-2117,

Without gifts from partners in ministry, Covenant Point’s programs would only be accessible to those with significant resources.  One camper described the impact camp had on his life. It’s powerful:

“Thank you so much for having this camp, it has changed my life and I now have a different point of view for life! Thank you so much!” – Mainland Camper

In 2024 Covenant Point disbursed $31,655.65 in financial aid to a total of 97 campers – donated to Covenant Point through Covenant Children’s Ministries, by individuals and churches, and from individuals through Harbor Point Ministries.  Donate to the camper scholarship fund with the button below. Thank you.