Our Mission, Vision, & Core Values
Covenant Point exists to present campers with the claims
of Jesus Christ and encourage them in their next step of faith.
Personal faith in Christ is the heart of our mission, and we highly value the role of community in taking both that first step, and the many steps of faith that follow a life of Christian discipleship. Covenant Point’s campers and guests come from diverse backgrounds, yet for each, we seek to provide opportunities to grow in WHOLENESS – spiritually, emotionally, physically, and relationally.
Our Core Values
Stillness and Silliness
It’s through play that we are re-created, and that we become more child-like again- more fit to enter the Kingdom of God, more humbly ready to grow, more open to relationships, and more authentically ready to be present and still before God. We talk about, practice, and teach the disciplines of stillness, prayer, and reflection- recognizing that we provide rare opportunities for our guests to listen for God’s voice.
Deep Discipleship
We seek to serve the particular churches of the Central Conference, as well as the broader Church, always finding ways to challenge campers to discover their unique next step of faith, to connect with their God-given call, and to think deeply about and respond with action to the hurts in our world. We seek to embody and teach a faith that encompasses head, heart, and hands.
Wilderness & Adventure
Imagination, child-like faith, and deep wisdom are all often ignited by time spent in wild places; we value our unique section of God’s creation and consider it a privilege to bring others further into it to discover more of themselves and God.
Space to Lead
We see ourselves as a place of leadership development through doing, trying, succeeding, and sometimes failing within the bounds of a safe and supportive community; the wonderful strength of Covenant Point is rooted in the unique individuals who contribute to every element of its program in a bottom-up manner.
Excellent Care
Intimate knowledge of the place and people of Covenant Point affords the opportunity for long-term and wise nurturing; we strive to steward with excellence everything that God has given us- both human and non-human resources with frugal ingenuity and love. We seek to care for our campers by providing safe spaces to take risks, to explore creation, to know and be known. We consider serving to be a Christ-like, dignified, and important act, regardless of the task- from cleaning toilets to leading a devotion.