Rockin’ Robins #3 – May 15, 2015
[fsg_gallery id=”117″]It was the last meeting of Rockin for this year and what a full adventure it was for all. The big project was constructing a bug box. Not only did the sound of hammering fill the air, but the look of deep concentration on the faces of the little buddies was intense. Of course, the next event was looking for bugs. Dissecting of owl pellets was also an interactive time and many bones, skulls, feathers, and such were identified. Steve Creech, from Purdue University, gave a great demonstration of how owl pellets are formed and then regurgitated. His imitation of an owl call was also very amazing. Dustin showed his turtle and discussed the development of the salamander eggs and Linnea Johnson read two stories which were enjoyed by all. Twenty-five little buddies and twenty-five big buddies were in attendance. What a great way to end. A special thanks goes to each big buddy, CPBC staff, and John Menucci for his wonderful work in preparing all the bug box pieces for easy construction.
We look forward to seeing the kindergartners again next May, and many of the 1st graders for our 2-day intro camp this summer (!