Batavia Men Volunteer to Build Yurt Platform
Fall is in full bloom, and we are looking forward to over 120 women coming this weekend for the Covenant Womens Retreat to hear Kris Causton share God’s word, and worship together.
This past weekend, we were blessed to have 11 men from Batavia come and stay at camp. While they were here they spent time in devotion with eachother learning more about what it means to be a leader in their church, and building platforms for the yurts that we are building in the Back Forty as part of the expansion of our trips program. We are purchasing our yurts from the pacific yurt company in order to have more year-round capacity to house groups that we are outfitting for wilderness experiences in the beautiful creation that surrounds us here in the Upper Peninsula. As you can see from the pictures, the yurts will be tucked nicely into the woods surrounding the Back Forty field.
Many thanks to the men who made this possible. More pictures to come once the yurts arrive.